Have you Struggled With Sleep?
Learn about Insomnia, How It Impacts Your Organization and What Can Help

Timber invites you to a lunch and learn event from our sleep expert, Lana Walsh.

  • Wednesday, May 3rd 
  • Virtual meet-up from 12:00 pm - 1 pm
  • Recording available for anyone who can't make it

We'll cover:

  • How to recognize chronic tiredness and learn why it's a problem for business
  • What you can do to support your employees who aren't getting enough sleep
  • How insomnia is effecting your company
  • How sleep and mental health are related
  • The best time of day to hold meetings

Join us for some awesome learning and door prizes!

Register Here

Meet Our Expert

Lana Walsh is a sleep and insomnia expert. For 30 years, she coped with daily insomnia. She’d wake up so exhausted that she would have to convince herself to get up and live her life. During this time, she tried everything from pharmaceuticals to banana peel tea. She finally found a specific process of behavior changes that completely transformed her life.

Lana is a now a designated CBT-I (Cognitive Behavioural therapy for insomnia) sleep expert.
She offers educational sleep programs for organizations as well as coaching and guided programs for individuals.

Visit Lana's website.